Thursday, October 14, 2010

20 Things I Say to my Grommies Every Day

 Yes, every single day,  I say every one of these things (plus several more):

1)  I love to be your Mama
2)  Wanna know why I'm the luckiest Mama in the world?  'cuz I get to have you for my kid
3)  Oooooh - you smell like Heaven
4)  Come over here and let me kiss you - I wanna know what Angels taste like
5)  How did you get so freakin' smart?
6)  You are an awesome sister/friend/cousin/daughter/etc...
7)  You ROCK!  (This is Fairy Princess' favorite.  When she wakes up every morning, she comes and snuggles next to me in my bed then starts right in with:  "Mama, Good Morning, wake up!  Can I open your blinds?  Do I rock?)
8)  No, you may not have sugar cereal.  That's not real food - it's candy.  If you want to eat candy for breakfast you'll have to go to someone else's house to get it.   ("Mama," asks my Mermaid with genuine concern, "why do people give their kids candy for breakfast?")
9)  I love you
10)  Oh wow - you look super cute / beautiful / colorful / etc
11)  I love the way you: did your hair / matched your clothes / colored inside the lines / cleared your dishes / played with your sister / shared / etc
12)  Get in there and brush those Germ Bugs out of your teeth.  Top, bottom, front, back, inside and outside.  Then brush your tongue and spit!
13)  Step one is to pick up the dress-ups and put them in the treasure chest . . .  Step two is to pick up the musical instruments and put them into the music drawer . . .  Step three is to put the books back in the bookcase . . . 
14)  Ohhhh honey,  It's ok - I would cry too if that happened to me
15)  Phew!  It's a good thing your body knows how to heal itself!
16)  If someone is acting mean it's because they want some extra love
17)  You have a way cool Daddy and he loves you a lot. 
18)  Uh, uh.  Stop right now.  You get to use your GOOD manners
19)  If you don't want to eat your food, then you can go in and take a nap.  Your body is ready for some energy and the best two ways to get it right now are eating or sleeping. Which one are you going to choose?  (The "standard lunchtime discussion" I have with the Fairy Princess)
20)  Good night, sleep tight, don't let the waterbugs bite.  (They informed me that it was WATERBUGS not bedbugs who wanted to bite them . . . "duh, mom" . . .)

And it's true, all true.

Livin' and Lovin'
~da Renegade Mama


  1. "Good Morning, wake up! Can I open your blinds? Do I rock?"
    Sooo. .that's pretty much the cutest thing I've ever heard in my entire life.

  2. I would like to bear my testimony that this post is true.


I loves me a lively discussion. Passion is always a plus. Rudeness, however is not. Therefore, comments I deem to be rude will be deleted. Promptly. ROCK ON!