Friday, April 29, 2011

Resignation. What is ... is

Well, it's final.  The creation of the Ultimate Family M will not occur this weekend. That's ok -- I have a wretched head cold and, frankly, it's snowing.

Allegedly, the Grand Date of Unity will be on the 15th.  Cool - that gives me another coupla weeks to actually begin packing. 


Big news on the Renegade Mama front today:  the Holy Man (tHM) telephoned this afternoon and "officially resigned" as the father of our children.  While I was unaware that someone could officially resign as a parent, apparently when one has a 20 year old lover who isn't interested in kids, and when one is certifiably crazy, to do so actually IS an option.

Before you begin crying in your beer for me, let me state this:  I'm not surprised.  I AM tremendously sad and feeling terribly hurt on behalf of my children, but I'm not surprised.  Once upon a a time, he was an absolutely amazing man - an exciting husband and a phenomenal father. 

And then he went crazy.

And that's how it goes sometimes.

It seems that from here on out I get my amazing little grommies ALL TO MYSELF. 

I ask you:  How does a mama get so lucky to be the deserving recipient of so much deliciousness delivered via Mermaid Kisses, Fairy Magic, Leprechaun Charms and a bona fide Dream Boy?

I dunno.  What I DO is this:  No matter what tHM finds it desirable to discard, I recognize a jackpot when I hit it!

Blessed and lucky,

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