Woke up to fighting.
Every morning at the crack of dawn, my Grommies sneak quietly into my bedroom, slide into bed with me, then start playing. The jump, they cavort, they "steamroll" over me -- all while giggling and chattering "Mama wake up," "Can I open your blinds?" "Mama, do I ROCK?" (Fairy Princess), "Do I have school today?" (Mermaid), "Mama! Get out of bed!", etc etc.
This morning, however, although there was a lot of noise, I experienced a surprising lack of physical assault on my person. Instead, all of the kids were on the edge of my bed yelling at each other. Groggily and somewhat reluctantly, I slid open my eyes and attuned my ears to ascertain just what was going on before I jumped in to fix/explain/discipline/whatever.
"NO LEPRECHAUN - it's NOT DADDY!" growled my Fairy Princess
"Yes, it's Daddy!" retorted Lady Leprechaun in a fierce 2 year old scolding, "See Dream Boy, it's Daddy," she furthered, "Say Hello to Daddy -- 'Hello Daddy!' "
"LEEEEPRECHAUNNNNNN," cursed The Mermaid with full physical and emotional chagrin, "That is NOT Daddy!"
"Liar, Liar pants on fire," cursed Lady L and she spit her tongue out at her sisters
. . . then there was a bit of poking, pinching, licking (because biting is strictly taboo 'round here), growling and shrieking while they attempted to determine, physically, who was "right".
Amused, I just lay very still and observed through half closed, sleepy eyes.
Finally, as the eldest and wisest of the children, The Mermaid came up with her leakproof argument:
"Leprechaun," she began with a genuine attempt to curb her frustration, "That is NOT Daddy. It is Jesus. Jesus who lives in Heaven, in the Sky and in our Hearts and in Everyone's Hearts. It's not Daddy. Daddy lives with Gramma."
Case closed.
Yes, my kids' Daddy (The Holy Man) and Jesus Christ share more than just an ambition to wander the Earth teaching Love. They look uncannily alike.
As it was an innocent mistake, I'm pretty sure that both Jesus and tHM will forgive Lady Leprechaun.
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